क्रम संख्या प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम शीर्षक डाउनलोड
1 Basic concepts and applied aspect of Sharir Kriya डाउनलोड करे
2 Fundamentals of Swastha Vritta, Aahar Kalpna (Dieteties) डाउनलोड करे
3 Basic concepts and applied aspect of Sharir Rachna डाउनलोड करे
4 Knowledge of Pathya – Apathya डाउनलोड करे
5 General examination of patient regarding temperature pulse blood pressure respiration etc डाउनलोड करे
6 Knowledge of various Kalpana – Sneha (ghrit & Tail), Asava – Arista डाउनलोड करे
7 Basic information about routine investigations डाउनलोड करे
8 Knowledge of various Kalpana, Masi, Varti, Lepa, Netra - Nasa Kalpna, Vasti Kalpna डाउनलोड करे
9 Identification of the prepared drugs डाउनलोड करे
10 Knowledge of Pancha Vidha Kashaya Kalpana डाउनलोड करे
11 Knowledge of various Kalpana – Avaleha, Vati, Guggulu डाउनलोड करे
12 Hospital & Patient record management डाउनलोड करे
13 General principles of management of certain emergency conditions डाउनलोड करे
14 Drug preparation of dispensing डाउनलोड करे
15 Adverse drug reactions (ADR), their identification, Management & reporting system डाउनलोड करे
16 Good practices of drug dispensing. Information regarding incompatibility of drugs. Various combinations & formulations of drugs for dispensing. Knowledge about compo डाउनलोड करे
17 Identification of dry raw materials for drug preparation डाउनलोड करे
18 Identification of green flora for drug preparation डाउनलोड करे
19 Knowledge about Visha, Upavisha & Metalic preparations, Knowledge of formulations containing Visha, Upavisha & Rasa aushadhis डाउनलोड करे
20 Fundamentals of hospital management, Maintenance of various registers including Stock register, Preparation of demographics data डाउनलोड करे
21 Determination of drug dosage, Anupana & methods of administration डाउनलोड करे
22 Knowledge of shelf life of drugs डाउनलोड करे